Life on Side B
Exploring the joy, beauty, and challenges of living in the traditional sexual ethic as LGBT+/SSA Christians.
Monday Jul 22, 2019
S1E7 | Meredith on Mixed Orientation Marriage: A Queer POC Perspective
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Today, we are returning to the topic of mixed orientation marriage for one last episode this season. I am talking with Meredith, a queer black woman married to a straight white man. She is a self-identified nerd who loves science, and she is here to share about her experience faith, sexuality, as well as race issues. You will want to listen to the whole episode cause we have a fun time at the end talking about celebrity crushes and giving some "Dear Straight People" letters. You can follow on twitter @QueerXtian and you can contact her through her email,
Monday Jul 08, 2019
S1E6 | Lesli on Being Genderqueer
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Today, I am joined by Seth Touchton as my cohost and we are talking with Lesli Hudson-Reynolds about their experience as a genderqueer person. We are discussing trans issues and what it looks like in Lesli's life to be Side B. Many people are nervous to approach trans issues and are unsure how to walk along side non-cisgender individuals in their life. We hope that you can approach this episode with listening ears and a humble posture.
Lesli is currently serving as Gender Identity Ministry Director for Lead Them Home. Lesli mentors youth & adults seeking God's will in their gender identity. They are also developing a resource designed to thoughtfully engage church leadership in the gender conversation. Prior to joining the LTH team, Lesli spent 15 years on the road and in regional theatre as Production Stage Manager for numerous Broadway musicals, ballets, and plays. They still escape to NY to see shows whenever possible. If you want to get in contact with Lesli, you can contact them at
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
S1E5 | Lisa on Mixed Orientation Marriage: The Straight Perspective
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
This week, I am talking with Lisa, the wife of Dean Samuels who I interviewed in the last episode. She is sharing about her experience in mixed orientation marriage to a queer man. I love her honesty and realness like nothing else. You will totally wanna listen in to this.
If you want to check out the book I mentioned, it is called Redeeming Sex by Debra Hirsch. Also if you want to learn more about Dean and Lisa, you can learn more on Dean's authorship page on the Your Other Brothers blog at
Theme Music credit: "Driven to Success" by Scott Holmes
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Side B Detour | Post Revoice Reflections
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
So we are trying something new called Side B Detours, where I and whoever I decide to join me just talk for 15 to 25 minutes on whatever topic or issue we want to not related to the season theme. For this first Detour, I invited Michelle Newbold back to share about her experience at Revoice since she shared about her anticipation for it in Episode 3. I also share about some things I have been reflecting on since Revoice like the question, "What keeps me Side B?"
You can follow Michelle on instagram @themichellenewbold or follow her at Also check out her blog post on Revoice called "Straight Girl, Gay Conference".
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
S1E4 | Dean on Mixed Orientation Marriage
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Today, I am talking with Dean Samuels about his experience as a queer man married to a straight woman. In recent years, heterosexual marriages which involve one or more persons with non-straight sexual orientations have come to be referred to as "mixed-orientation marriages." Dean is here sharing his experience in heterosexual marriage as a man primarily attracted to men as well as sharing advice for others navigating mixed orientation marriages or interested in pursuing one.
Dean is a pastor at a church in the midwest, has been married for more than 5 years, is the father to a beautiful little girl, and is also a contributing author to the blog, Your Other Brothers. You can read his writings on the Your Other Brothers blog here.
Also, in case you are looking for a resource to help with mixed-orientation marriages, Dean did not mention it in the episode but he really recommends couples check out The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman. While the book does not discuss mixed orientation marriages specifically, it holds a lot of great advice and principles that have helped Dean navigate his own marriage. You can buy it on Amazon here.
Theme Music credit: "Driven to Success" by Scott Holmes
Tuesday May 28, 2019
S1E3 | Josh and Michelle on Family and Friendship
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Today's episode is a little different. Josh is joined by one of his best friend, Michelle Newbold. This week, Josh is sharing a little bit about his story of navigating sexuality and faith, and Josh and Michelle are discussing what it looks like to find community and belonging among family, both biological and adopted, and friends.
You can follow Michelle on instagram @themichellenewbold or follow her at
Theme Music credit: "Driven to Success" by Scott Holmes
Tuesday May 14, 2019
S1E2 | Melinda on Intentional Community
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Today, we are talking with Melinda Melone about the intentional community she is a part of in San Francisco, CA. Melinda's community is an absolute challenge for our western understanding of community. Community is about more than simply worshiping and or living in the same building. As she explains, "We are not called to simply do church but be church." She also shares about her experience arriving to living as a Side B Christian and the way her community helps her find intimacy and belonging.
Melinda is a member of the Church of the Sojourners, an intentional Christian community in San Francisco. She has spoken at gay Christian conferences such a Q Christian Fellowship, Revoice and E3, and presented workshops at children's ministry conferences such as Faith Forward and Weaving Our Gifts on how to make churches more welcoming for LGBTQ youth and families. She also serves on the QCF Side B Advisory. She is the mom of a grown son, and works as a Montessori educator and administrator.
Theme Music credit: "Driven to Success" by Scott Holmes
Wednesday May 01, 2019
S1E1 | Meg on Communal Living
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
For the pilot episode of Life on Side B, we are talking with Meg Baatz about her experience in communal living, which is the idea of many different Christians both single and married coming together to live under one house and share life together. Meg has great stuff to share and most of all wants to show that God never meant the Christian life to be lived alone. No matter if you are straight and cisgender or LGBT+, this message is one everyone needs to hear!Meg is the Director of Communication and Creative Design at Lead Them Home, a ministry equipping the Church to enhance care for LGBT+ people. She lives in Denver, CO, with her spiritual family and co-leads a small group through her local church.
The book Meg mentioned is called "All but Invisible" by Nate Collins.
Theme Music credit: "Driven to Success" by Scott Holmes