Life on Side B
Exploring the joy, beauty, and challenges of living in the traditional sexual ethic as LGBT+/SSA Christians.
Monday Apr 13, 2020
S2E9 | Ashley, Grant, and Josh on Shame
Monday Apr 13, 2020
Monday Apr 13, 2020
This week, Ashley, Grant, and Josh are talking about shame about being LGBT+ and sexual history. Shame is something we all deal with as humans going all the way back to the garden. So how do we confront it and deal with it? This is a very vulnerable episode for all of us and we are really excited to share it with you all.
Here are the links to the books and resources mentioned in the episode:
The Velvet Rage by Alan Downs -
"Experiencing intimacy with God & others as the antidote for shame in your sexuality" - Presented by Ty Wyss at Revoice 2019 -
Monday Apr 06, 2020
S2E8 | Dr. Julia Sadusky on Depression and Anxiety (w/ Josh)
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
We are going to go to a weekly release of episodes for a time while we are all in shelter in place. Today, Dr. Julia Sadusky is back with us and is talking with me about depression and anxiety. Many of us deal with depression and anxiety on a normal basis and now with a global pandemic, those issues can be magnified. We also talk about managing relationships with our family and roommates as emotions run high.
If you want to contact Dr. Julia Sadusky, you can email her at
Monday Mar 30, 2020
S2E7 | Side B on Life During Corona
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
In the last month, a lot has changed in our world. We are not facing a global pandemic and an economy falling into recession. We debated whether it would be something to discuss here on Life on Side B but it seems we have arrived to the point where no one can ignore COVID-19 and it's impact on our world. So in this week's episode, Josh is talking with the cohosts as well as a number of previous guests and what it means to be Side B during a pandemic?
Here are a link to some info on research showing the importance of touch in a human's life:
Monday Mar 16, 2020
S2E6 | Ray on Forgiveness (w/ Henry)
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
This week Henry is interviewing Ray Low on forgiveness. What is biblical forgiveness? What does it look like to forgive others, institutions and even ourselves? Ray and Henry have a great conversation about forgiveness, its importance and difficulty. At the end, they also answer questions that were sent in through Instagram and Twitter. So if you sent a question in, listen through the episode to see if you question is discussed.
Here are the links to the two articles Henry mentions in the episode:
1. Here is the article on masculinity which was mentioned (correction: the article comes from Desiring God, not the Gospel Coalition):
2. Here is the article from the Dallas Morning news which was mentioned:
Monday Mar 02, 2020
S2E5 | Bridget on Victimization and Criticism (w/ Grant)
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
On today's episode, Grant is talking with Bridget Eileen about LGBT+ victimization in the church and the criticism we as Side B Christians face from both the conservative church and other LGBT+ individuals. She discusses the book she is writing on this topic along with the importance of keeping our focus on the Gospel that Jesus alone saves.
You can follow her on Twitter @TravelingNun and follow her blog at
Learn more about her upcoming book at
Theme Song - Driven to Success by Scott Holmes
Monday Feb 17, 2020
S2E4 | Dr. Julia Sadusky on Mental Health and Loneliness (w/ Mary)
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
On this episode, Mary is interviewing Dr. Julia Sadusky on mental health and loneliness. Dr. Sadusky has worked with Mark Yarhouse on multiple books and projects related to sexual orientation and gender identity. She did her disseration on loneliness in the lives of celibate gay Christians. Dr. Sadusky is sharing with us some of the results of her work as well as advice for Side B Christians who want to improve their mental health.
If you want to contact Dr. Julia Sadusky, you can email her at
Publications mentioned in the episode:
The summary of Dr. Sadusky's dissertation research on Spiritual Friendships can be found here.
"Approaching Gender Dysphoria" (Grove Ethics) can be purchased on Amazon here.
"Understanding Transgender Identities: Four Views" (Baker Academic) can be purchased on Amazon here.
"A Christian View of Sex Reassignment Surgery and Hormone Therapy” (The Center for Faith, Sexuality and Gender) -
Her upcoming book, "Emerging Gender Identities", releases August 18th, 2020. You can purchase it at here.
As discussed in the episode, if you are having suicidal thoughts, make sure to contact your therapist or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255) or the Trevor Project (866-488-7386).
Here is a list of some LGBT+ Side B friendly counseling services that might be helpful for anyone single or married in need of counseling. As we said in the episode, make sure you find a counselor that is right for you and that you feel comfortable with.
Global Counseling Network -
New Hope Counseling Center -
Hopewell Counseling -
Arrow Advising -
Henegar Counseling Center -
E91 Counseling Center -
Caring Well Counseling -
Monday Feb 03, 2020
S2E3 | Ashley on Coming Out (w/ Grant)
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
In today's episode, Grant is interviewing Ashley about how she has come out. They talk about what it means to "come out," the complexities of coming out depending on a person's situation, and the reality of second adolescence. Ashley also shares about the uniqueness of coming out as bisexual. You won't want to miss a minute of their conversation.
Monday Jan 20, 2020
S2E2 | QCF Live: Ed and Melinda on Thriving
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Earlier in January, Life on Side B was invited to the podcast stage at the Q Christian Fellowship Conference. I was joined by Melinda, who you all heard in Season 1, and my brother, Ed, to continue this conversation on thriving. What does it look like for LGBT+ Christians? And especially for Side B Christians?
Monday Jan 06, 2020
S2E1 | The Cohost Team on Thriving
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
It is finally here! Season 2! Today we are starting the year off with a chance for you to meet the new cohost team as we discuss the season theme of thriving. What does it mean to thrive? What are the topics we will be discussing this season related to thriving? Also learn some new updates about how we will be running the season.
Theme Song - Driven to Success by Scott Holmes
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
S1E19 | Teo sobre ¿Qué es el Lado B?
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
¡Este es el primer episodio del podcast en español y estamos emocionados de compartirlo con ustedes! Hoy estoy hablando con Teo, un cristiano LGBT+ y célibe, sobre su experiencia como un cristiano del Lado B. ¿Qué es el Lado B? ¿Como puede ser un cristiano LGBT+ y mantener una perspectiva tradicional sobre el matrimonio y la sexualidad. Vamos a explorar esto juntos.